Nursing can be an incredibly rewarding field, and the demand for nurses has never been higher. There are many accredited nursing schools in Arizona that will give you a step above your peers as you seek out a salary and job security. Are you looking for a BSN program in Arizona? LPN program? RN program? A good program will include community health, leadership, good judgment, supervising skills, health promotion, research, and clinical experience.
Be sure to look at the Arizona Board of Nursing requirements for a nursing license and make sure the program you choose meets all of the requirements. A program can lose its accreditation if it achieves less than a 75% pass rate on the licensing exam. Make sure the school is accredited so you don’t waste any time or money.
Nursing schools in Arizona have requirements in order to apply, so you’ll want to be sure to research the requirements and have them prepared. Some requirements vary, but below is an example of what most schools request for their nursing program.
Pima Medical Institute in Tuscan is an institution focused on health professionals and has over 100,000 graduates. Students can find flexibility with accelerated certificates, associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees that are full-time or part-time with night classes offered for convenience. Associate and bachelor’s degrees can take two years or less to complete with online nursing programs available.
Cochise College has over 11,000 students with a 1:16 student-to-faculty ratio. The nursing program uses modern equipment and expert instruction in a variety of clinical settings to give students the best possible experience in the nursing program. Students can receive an associate degree in nursing and be prepared to take the national exam.
Arizona State University offers a nursing program that can be completed in as little as 15-18 months. Classes are separated into 7.5-week blocks with a total of 38 credits needed to graduate. Graduates are trained to think critically, communicate effectively, and advance in their careers with improved skill and knowledge in the healthcare field.
Gateway Community College in Phoenix offers nursing and healthcare programs instructed by licensed practitioners with priority registration offered to veterans. Gateway strives to produce the best trained and skilled graduates possible by teaching students skills in the classroom and giving them experience in clinical settings. Online, hybrid and in-class options are available.
Northern Arizona University offers several different options when it comes to nursing degrees, including its popular BSN program. Students will be taught to care for communities, individuals, and families in many different settings. Additionally, an RN-to-BSN, M.S. in Nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice programs are available.
Yavapai College offers an associate degree in nursing which prepares students for licensure and exceptional work in the healthcare field. Students must complete classes with a “C” or higher. Although Yavapai accepts transfer students, all transfer students should check the requirements and consult the catalog of the degree they hope to transfer their credits toward.
The University of Arizona offers an exceptional BSN program where previous graduates have a 91.18% pass rate on the NCLEX. The degree takes approximately four semesters to complete with pre-nursing programs available for incoming freshmen.
Eastern Arizona University has been educating nurses for over 30 years and offers four nursing programs. To be admitted, students must pass a reading competency test, an entrance exam, and pass a background check. Students must obtain at least a C in their classes to remain in the program.
Chamberlain College of Nursing offers nursing programs that can be completed in as few as three semesters. The programs are offered full-time and part-time and are available completely online. Clinicals are required for students, but they can often be completed at the students’ workplace.
Paradise Valley Community College offers several nursing programs within the school, including the Maricopa Nursing Program that is implemented in seven other schools. Students in the program will rotate through nearby healthcare facilities while working with nurses, physicians, and patients. Upon completion, students will be prepared to take the NCLEX and apply for a nursing license.
Scottsdale Community College is a Maricopa college that offers an associate degree in nursing. Students must have a high school diploma or GED to apply and retain a “C” grade or better in each class. Students will receive clinical experience in numerous healthcare settings and be eligible to take the NCLEX upon graduation.
Mesa Community College offers six different pathways in the nursing program for students. Full-time and online options are available. Students will receive clinical experience with inpatients and outpatients as well as hands-on experience in specialty areas. Students will be able to apply for a license upon completion of the program.
Northland Pioneer College offers nursing programs that require approximately 72 credits to complete. CNA to RN, LPN to RN, Paramedic to RN or RN Refresher programs are available. To apply, students must have the proper license for each program. Completion of the program qualifies students to apply for the NCLEX.
Glendale Community College offers an A.A.S. in Nursing. Students will be most successful if they have clear communication, can transfer knowledge from the classroom into a clinical setting, negotiate well, demonstrate good judgment, enjoy challenges, and put the needs of the patient first. Students must complete the appropriate prerequisites to apply to the nursing program.
Pima Community College offers a nursing program that takes approximately 74-76 credits to complete. Students must maintain a “C” or higher in each class to pass with some classes requiring a “B.” Students must complete the prerequisite courses to apply to the nursing program.
Central Arizona College offers a four-semester nursing program with no waiting list. AAS and CAC/NUA CEP programs are available. CAC offers its students state of the art classrooms, simulation labs, and clinical opportunities in Pinal and Maricopa counties.
Brookline College offers an RN to BSN program that’s perfect for increasing your salary and job security. The program provides skills and knowledge that will expand your experience and background, making you more valuable to an employer. The program can be completed online in less than two years.
Phoenix College offers a Maricopa college nursing program with all of the associated requirements and prerequisites. The program takes approximately 65-75 credits to complete and students will be eligible to sit for the NCLEX upon graduation.
Chandler-Gilbert Community College provides a nursing degree that will prepare students for the NCLEX exam. Students must obtain a “C” or higher in all courses taken or risk losing their standing in the program.
Estrella Mountain Community College offers a Maricopa nursing program with online and hybrid classes available. Students will receive practical and technical skills from retired healthcare practitioners. EMCC is partners with a variety of healthcare organizations that strive to give students the best possible education.
Mohave Community College offers four nursing programs with individual prerequisites for each. The program will prepare students to give safe and effective care to patients in the healthcare environment. MCC offers an A.A.S. in nursing as well as a similar program for students who are LPNs and wish to become RNs. The school also offers a Practical Nursing Step-Out program and Registered and Licensed Practical Nurse Refresher Programs.
Arizona Western College offers an applied science nursing program with a 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio. The program prepares students for a variety of career options as well as an application for the NCLEX. There’s a mandatory information session for all students wishing to apply to the nursing program, so be sure to check out which session works best for you.
Coconino Community College offers a nursing program that prepares students with knowledge and skills to work in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will have two 8-hour clinical/labs each week throughout the program as well as study time and class time.
Schools on this list were ranked mostly by NCLEX-RN pass rates, with other quality-indicating factors such as tuition and acceptance rate slightly affecting the rankings to push the higher-quality schools toward the top. See our methodology page for more detail.
If you are associated with a school on this list and would like to make edits or add additional information, or would like to add your school’s program to our list, please contact us with additional information today.